Future Democracy

Printed Version

back to the⬅️Startpage‌ If you would like to hold_the_book actually in_your_hands, and_read_it_on_paper rather_than_from_a_screen, then_you_can let_any print~on~demand_service of_your_choice print_a_copy_for_you. As the book would be too_thick for most_of_the_service_providers, it_has_been split_into_two_volumes. And_as the_original_PDF is in_the_A4_format, the_only_sensible printing_format for_it is_8.5×11_inches.
Future Democracy — printed version‌ the English and the German version: the English and the German printed version
  Choose any_print~on~demand_service you_like. (Provided_they_can process the_printing_files. Service_providers differ_greatly in_quality_and_prices.) Tested and hereby recommended: U→lulu.comCustomize_your_book as_you_please: 1. paperback_(cheaper) or hardcover_(more_durable) 2. black-and-white_(cheap) or color_(recommended) 3. the paper_thickness (thinner_=_cheaper, thicker_=_more_durable) 4. the paper_type (white_or_cream, matte_or_glossy) 5. by all feature settings finally the_price_of_the_book‌ And thus you_pay_really_only for_the materials, the_production and_the_shipment. Download: The following ZIP_file contains_all_the_files that_you_need for_printing_the_book. Use_the_included hardcover_or_paperback cover_artwork_files depending_on_your_choice for_the_cover_type. I‌ FDMC 2023-04-07 printing files.zip (58 MB) Tip: Tested perfectly, the recommended_settings are: Standard_Color on_80#_Coated_Paper,_Hardcover. PS: Publishers can use the press_contact_email_address if_they_want_to distribute_the_book in_large_numbers at_a_much_lower_price than_it_is_possible_on~demand. —_Let's_talk about_the_possibilites! → See under PPress.
07. Printed Version
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C Constitution
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M Making-of
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